Harta Verde Bistrița

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Story created by Harta Verde Romania on August 9, 2013

An interactive guide with sustainable living, nature, culture and society resources for local communities in Bistrita city, a historic Transylvanian town.

The Bistrita Green Map was launched by the Asociația Harta Verde România in May 2018. Program coordinator Ciprian Samoila, Doru Ruşti, Cristian Tetcu, Simona Pacurar and colleagues introduced the project to a local audience at the beautiful Biblioteca Judeteana Bistrita-Nasaud. See the interactive map-in progress, and the amazing list of Green Maps developed by this team of biodiversity experts here as they work to promote and support Green Map projects around Romania.

Asociaţia Harta Verde România is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation working to achieve a sustainable society through biodiversity conservation, promoting ecotourism, formal and non-formal education for nature for both young and adult people. Their vision is a world where people value the natural heritage in a sustainable manner. The association has started to work on promoting the local biodiversity to the local communities in the city of Bistrița since 2010, and since 2012 has acted as a partner in an adult education project called “Learning Natural Values in Europe” financed under the EU Grundtvig Learning Partnership programme. Asociaţia Harta Verde România is also custodian of three small natural reserves in the county of Bistrița-Năsăud.

Asociația Harta Verde România is affiliated with the Green Map global network, and provides much of the brainpower behind this new website at GreenMap.org - mulțumesc! Ciprian and colleagues' many contributions to Green Map's technology date back to 2002, when Ciprian joined the first Green Map Summit.